Water Pond, Mud Pit, Embung, Tambak, Geobag, Bronjong HDPE

Geomembrane Geotextile

TPA Sampah, Kolam Limbah, WasteWater Pond, Pipa HDPE, Drainage

Geotextile Woven Geopipe

Welcome to Georaya Geosynthetics

Welcome to Georaya Geosynthetics Product : Geotextile Woven GI-Tex™ Geotextile Non Woven GI-Felt™ Geomembrane : GRI, Huitex, Solmax, GSE, Atarfil. Geogrid GI-Grid™ Geobag GI-Bag™ Bronjong Wire and Bronjong Galvanis, Bronjong HDPE GNius™, nexus™, GCL's, Drainage Cell, HDPE Corrugated Perforated Pipe, SRCP Pipe and HDPE Pipe product for Indonesia area. PT.…